B2B Healthcare Marketing: 7 Statistics and Trends Marketers Should Know

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B2B healthcare marketing, in particular, is a competitive industry that requires constant monitoring of industry trends and the ability to adapt to the changing needs and preferences of your target audience. 

Looking ahead to 2024, it’s important to know the key trends that will shape B2B healthcare marketing.

From personalized content and account-based marketing to the growing influence of technology and data privacy, these B2B healthcare statistics can help marketers connect better with their target audience and drive more meaningful results. 

Let’s jump in.

General B2B Healthcare Marketing Statistics to Know

  1. 92% of B2B healthcare marketers have an ABM program
  2. According to a Forrester study, buyers are 70-90% down their sales journey before they reach out to a vendor.
  3. 5% of all Google searches are health-related.
  4. Search drives 3x more visitors to hospital sites compared to non-search.
  5. According to Wordsteam’s Google Ads benchmarks report, the average medical practice PPC campaign generates a click-through rate of around 3.27%.
  6. In 2019, 29 percent of consumers made appointments with their healthcare provider using that provider’s website, and 16 percent did so by using a patient portal. 
  7. Market forecasts indicate that by 2023, pharma and healthcare digital B2B advertising will reach $1.35 billion.

Wrapping Up

B2B healthcare marketing is a highly competitive space, but with the right marketing tactics, you can differentiate your brand from the competition and convert leads at a much lower acquisition cost.

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